Even though Ayurvedic medicines are organic and herbal in nature, one should be very careful in avoiding self medication without the consent of the doctor. Detailed diagonosis of ones ‘prakrithi’ is required to start any procedure/ medication in Ayurveda.
Diet also plays a very important role in an Ayurveda treatment where the food is categorized on their physical qualities and their effects on the body. This helps in determining which ingredient is suitable for different doshas.
Awareness and mindfulness are integral part of an Ayurveda treatment. Ayurveda has a holistic approach of healing where one should surrender himself physically and mentally to any restrictions stated by the doctor.
The other common factors to consider are proper sleep, limited or preferably no use of electronic devices, having a well planned dinnacharya (daily routine), total restriction on consumption alcohol and smoking, limited exposure to direct sunlight etc.