Ayurveda - the science of life! Unlike the common healthcare disciplines, Ayurveda believes in the…
Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit root words – “Ayur,” meaning ‘longevity’ and “Veda,” meaning ‘science.’ Thus, Ayurveda means “the science of life.” It is an ancient system of holistic and natural medicine. Unlike modern allopathic medicines, Ayurveda focuses on treating the root cause of the disease and prepares the body to protect itself in the long run. Although allopathy acts fast, Ayurveda takes time to prepare the body to heal itself. It enlightens the patient about the root cause of his problem and preventive measures.
According to Ayurveda, because of their Prakriti, which means natural constitution, each person gets affected by certain elements differently than others. The natural constitutions are of the following three types:
These doshas significantly affect the shape of each human body and their bodily tendencies, including food choice and digestion, emotions, and temperament. If we take Kapha dosha, then because of the earth element, the person will have a sturdy body type with comparatively slower digestion. They also tend to possess strong memory and are emotionally intense.
A point to be noted here is that each person has a natural constitution or Prakriti made up of the combination of two doshas. For example, a person with “Vata Kapha” will have both Vata and Kapha characteristics. But the Vata element will be more dominating. According to Ayurveda, we need to know about our natural constitution to keep us fit, and avoid practices that might create imbalance.
Ayurveda is holistic in nature. Ancient medical science takes mind, body, and soul as one. Everything is connected here, and the suffering can only be stopped when everything is in sync. A harmony between the three helps the human body to create a balance between the body and the outside environment.
Ayurveda restores our health by diagnosing the underlying cause of the illness. It then uses detoxification, cleansing, strengthening, and relaxing practices to cure our body.
Ayurveda understands the human body and the relation between the governing forces inside it. Our mind is strongest yet restless. Practices like pranayam and other breathing exercises help the brain to relax and destress. Along with mindfulness, special care is given to digestion. Massages and other cleansing procedures are carried on for complete relaxation.
The practitioners help us to understand our doshas, mental, emotional, and physical qualities. They then guide us with strategies that work best for our bodies. Every treatment is customized as per the individual need. The doctor apprehends the psycho-somatic character of all situations and uncovers the link between bodily illness, mental condition, and spiritual levels. The treatment is then curated to complement it.
Ayurveda uses natural herbs and ingredients, such as honey, milk, ghee, oils, minerals, and many more, to cure bodily ailments. Every element is used as per the individual’s requirement and in a controlled amount. Since all these ingredients are natural and most are already a part of our dietary chart, the chances of side effects are less than negligible.
Most ayurvedic medicines serve as a tonic nourishing the brain, which activates therapeutic effects. It also removes mental, emotional, and psychological imbalances. On the other hand, Western medicines are manufactured in laboratories and include chemicals. These chemicals work on specific body parts, which might benefit that objective but leave an imbalance elsewhere.
As a treatment, Ayurveda focuses on strengthening our mind, body, and soul. What’s best about Ayurveda is that here massive importance is given to our lifestyle and eating habits. Dietary plans are made as per the doshas. So foods that might increase ‘Kapha’ in the body, like cold fruits, milk, and many more, are eliminated for the person with “Kapha dosha. Yoga and other ayurvedic practices become a compulsory part of our lifestyle. In this way, our body heals, and we get accustomed to the best habits for our bodies. This practice also helps us eliminate every mild to the chronic symptom of the dosha.
Ayurvedic treatments work wonderfully when done under the supervision of experts. So, if one is looking for an effective, comprehensive, and holistic healing treatment, then one should try Ayurveda. As it requires time, we suggest booking a package, preferably at places where you can stay. Such places not only take care of your food but also give you a chance to indulge in the practices at the right time. Book your stay at one such resort and enjoy the bliss of this ancient medical treatment to get access to a better life.