Ayurveda is a way of life that has a history of 5000 years. Western medicine is symptomatic whereas Ayurveda looks at the root cause of the condition. In Ayurveda, holistic medicine is a wholesome approach for cure.
An allopathic approach for a condition is to check the body symptoms and prescribe medicine whereas in Ayurveda a detailed history, on the root causes of the condition is analyzed and focused to eliminate.
According to Ayurveda the Roga (disease) and the Rogi( patient) is looked at individually and a tailor made treatment plan is formed. The dosha( bio – energy forces) of the patient is identified and then the treatment is prescribed. A Vata type of headache is addressed differently than a Kapha prone one. There is no one method/ medicine that fits all in Ayurveda. Kerala, the land of Ayurveda offers several ayurvedapackages ,rejuvenative and curative.